Fig. 100 In the luggage compartment: Tie-downs.
Read and follow the introductory information and safety information first⇒Introduction to the subjectThere are 4 tie-downs in the front and rear of the luggage compartment, which you can use to secure luggage or other items ⇒ Fig. 100 (arrows).
Elastic straps can snap back towards you if they are not properly attached.
If you use elastic straps to secure items in the luggage compartment, be sure to fist securely attach them to the downs just behind the rear seat backrest first and then to the and then to the tie-downs at the loading edge of the luggage compartment.
Remove the hooks from the tie-downs in the reverse order described above, first from the tie-downs at the loading edge and then from the tie-downs behind the rear seat backrest so that if the hooks come loose suddenly, they will move away from you.
Unsuitable, worn, or damaged tie-down straps (elastic or non-elastic) can snap or come loose during braking or other maneuvers or in a collision. Objects secured with these straps can then come loose and fly through the passenger compartment, causing severe personal injuries or death.Warning
Elastic straps have to be stretched when being attached to the tie-downs in the luggage compartment Hooks on elastic straps can cause serious personal injury if not handled properly and attached securely.The maximum load for the tie-downs is about 785 lbs. (356 kg).
For suitable ratchet straps and luggage stowage systems, please see an authorized Volkswagen dealer or authorized Volkswagen Service Facility.
Volkswagen Tiguan Owners Manual > Shifting: Manual transmission: Gearshift lever
Fig. 132 Gearshift pattern of a 6-speed
manual transmission.
Read and follow the introductory information and
safety information first⇒Introduction
to the subject The positions of the individual gears are shown on the gearshift
lever ⇒ Fig. 132 .
Depress the clutch pedal all the ...