General Information
Battery Charger -VAS5906-
Risk of injury. Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions.
Batteries that have a light yellow visual indicator do not have to be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used!
There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting.
These batteries must be replaced.
The Battery Charger -VAS5906- was developed especially for charging the vehicle electrical system while the vehicle is on display.
It supplies for automatic charging of 3 - 300 Ah for starter batteries.
The 14.4 V maximum charging voltage is not exceeded. All electrical consumers will be supported up to 30 A by the support charging.
After the battery is completely charged, the Battery Charger -VAS5906- switches to maintenance charging for long-term operation.
The unit starts automatically and does not require any adjustments. Only the charging terminals and the network cable need to be connected.
For more information. Refer to Battery Charger -VAS5906- Operating Instructions.
Battery, Charging with Battery Charger -VAS5906-
Risk of injury. Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions.
Batteries that have a light yellow visual indicator do not have to be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used!
There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting.
These batteries must be replaced.
Control Panel Overview
When the battery charger is in idle - the ready-to-use lights up.
Risk of injury. Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions.
In the case of vehicles with a start/stop function and an installed Battery Monitoring Control Module -J367-, the black charging clamp (-) must be connected to the body ground. The start/stop system will malfunction if it is connected to the negative terminal on the battery.
Charging will begin after approximately 2 seconds.
LEDs show the battery charge level. When all the lamps illuminate, the battery is charged.
When the battery is completely charged, the Battery Charger -VAS5906- automatically switches to maintenance charging.
Sparks can result if the charging terminals are removed too early. Press the stop/start button to end the charging process.
Volkswagen Tiguan Owners Manual > Adjusting the seating position: Manual controls on the driver and passenger seat
Fig. 39 Controls on the left front seat.
Read and follow the introductory information and
safety information first⇒Introduction
to the subject The controls on the front passenger seat mirror those on the driver
There may be manual and electrical controls on the same seat.