VW Tiguan Manuals

Volkswagen Tiguan Service and Repair Manual: Vibration

Vibration, Causes for Vibration

There are many causes for vibration. Vibration can also be caused by tire wear, among other things. Tire wear caused by driving does not always develop evenly over the entire tread. Due to this, a slight imbalance develops which disturbs the smoothness of the formerly accurately balanced wheel.

This slight imbalance cannot yet be felt in the steering wheel, but it is present. It increases the tire wear and consequently reduces the service life of the tire.


In order to guarantee over the entire service life of a tire a

  • optimal safety,
  • optimal smoothness and
  • uniform wear

it is recommended that wheels/tires be balanced at least two times within the tire's service life.

Vibration, Road Test, Performing Before Balancing

If a vehicle comes to the workshop with the complaint "vibration", a road test must be performed before balancing the wheels.

  • That way, information about the type of vibration can be obtained.
  • Observe at which speed range the disturbance takes place.
Component Location of Tire Identification with ...
Left front tire LF
Right front tire RF
Left rear tire LR
Right rear tire RR
  • Raise the vehicle on the platform immediately after the road test.
  • Mark the component location on the tire.
  • Remove the wheels from the vehicle.
  • Balance the wheels.

Vibration, Vibration Control System

Expanded functions can be performed using Hunter RFT33VAG Road Force Touch Wheel Balancer -VAS6230B4- in addition to the previously known balancers.

A special characteristic of this system is testing the radial force of wheel/tire during rolling.

For this purpose, a roller presses a force of approximately 635 kg (0.7 ton) against the wheel. This simulates the tire contact force against the street surface while driving.

Volswagen Tiguan. N44-10209

Tire contact forces fluctuate due to radial- and lateral run-out and differing rigidity in the tires.

The Hunter RFT33VAG Road Force Touch Wheel Balancer -VAS6230B4- detects and stores the position of the maximum measured radial force in the tires. After that, the position of smallest dimension between rim flange and disc wheel center is measured.

Flat Spots, Correcting

  • Flat spots cannot be removed from tires with workshop equipment.
  • Such flat spots can be "driven out" only by driving the car until the tires are warm.
  • We do not recommend the following method during cold or winter weather.


  • Check the tire pressure and correct, if necessary.
  • If possible, drive the vehicle on an expressway.
  • If the traffic and road conditions permit, drive at a speed of 120 km/h to 150 km/h (74.56 to 93.2 mph) for a distance of 20 to 30 km.


  • Do not endanger yourself or other persons during this road test.
  • Follow all traffic regulations and speed limits when performing the road test.


  • Lift the vehicle immediately after the performing the road test.
  • Remove the wheels from the vehicle.
  • Balance the wheels on the stationary balancing machine.
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