The bleeding of brake system is described using the Brake Charger/Bleeder Unit -VAS5234-.
Only use new brake fluid conforming to VW standard (VW 501 14).
There must be a positive pressure of 2.0 bar (29 psi) to bleed the hydraulic unit.
Brake System, Bleeding Using Brake Charger/Bleeder Unit - VAS5234-
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Only use new brake fluid conforming to VW standard (VW 501 14).
Perform the Pre-Bleeding
When a brake fluid reservoir chamber is completely empty on vehicles with EDL, EDL/ASR or EDL/ASR/ESP. This happens if there are leaks in the brake system.
Bleeding sequence:
1 - Bleed the left front and right front brake caliper together simultaneously.
2 - Bleed the left rear and right rear brake caliper together simultaneously
Then hydraulic unit must be bled once more via the "basic setting" function using the Vehicle Diagnostic Tester.
Initiate a basic setting (to bleed the brake system):
Connect the -Vehicle Diagnostic Tester- and select the function.
Bleeding (Normal)
Adhere strictly to the procedure when bleeding the brake system.
Use a suitable bleed hose. It must fit tightly on the bleeder valve so that no air can get into the brake system.
Perform the Post-Bleeding Procedure When
A second technician is required for the post-bleeding procedure.
This bleeding procedure must be performed five times per brake caliper.
Bleeding sequence:
A road test must be performed after bleeding. During this, at least one ABS regulation must be performed!
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