VW Tiguan Manuals

Volkswagen Tiguan Owners Manual: Driving in sand and mud

Read and follow the introductory information and safety information firstIntroduction to the subject 

Always drive at a constant speed through sand and mud; do not shift gears manually and do not stop.

  • Check whether ESC is active. The indicator light or in the instrument cluster must both be off ⇒ Braking, stopping, and parking .
  • Select a suitable gear and remain in this gear until solid ground is reached ⇒ Selecting the right gear .
  • Always keep the vehicle moving.

Never drive too fast through sand and mud. The wheels may spin and the vehicle can get stuck. If the tires no longer grip, turn the steering wheel back and forth slightly in short, quick movements. This can improve front wheel traction when driving in sand and mud.

Driving through sand

Never reduce tire inflation pressure before driving through sand ⇒ . If you have reduced the tire pressure to drive through sand, make sure to correct the tire pressure afterwards before driving any further. Driving with reduced tire pressure can make you lose control of the vehicle and increase the risk of serious or fatal injuries.

Driving through mud

Do not change your speed or your direction. The tires can lose their grip in mud. If the vehicle skids, steer in the direction the vehicle is sliding to try to get it back under control.


Driving through sand and mud can be dangerous. The vehicle can skid out of control and crash, causing serious injuries. Always drive carefully when driving in sand and mud.
  • Never take routes or risks that could put you or your passengers in danger. If you cannot go on or have doubts about the safety of your route, turn back and take a different route.


Driving on tires that are not inflated to the correct cold tire inflation pressure can cause an accident with serious or fatal injuries.
  • If the tires are not inflated to the correct pressure, they will wear out faster and the vehicle will not handle as well.
  • Incorrect tire pressure can make tires overheat, resulting in tire damage including tire tread separation and sudden blowouts, that can make you lose control of the vehicle.
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